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<WOB> Hairy Eye - a possible source
Like a Dennis Miller monologue, allow me to bring an obscure cultural
reference into the discussion of the expression "hairy eye". Hopefully
this will shed some light on the issue and stop the torture some of you
have been going thru in trying to explain this expression without some
appropriate cultural context to help you along.
This past weekend I was fortunate to catch one of my favorite ditties
on the radio. It is a song usually heard on Thanksgiving weekend,
one of those special radio events that could be called a ritual if
I may use that word without any religious inference.
"Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie is the story of a young man going
before the draft board and everything that leads up to that day. It
includes one use of the expression in question.
Find the lyrics at:
The expression in question is actually missspellled and slightly
misquoted on this particular web page, but the meaning is still
accurate. Another web page has a different but not completely
accurate version:
Now back to our normally scheduled programming...
Matt Graham
[email protected]