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<all> ERKed!

So I just got back from my local BMW wrench's place.  He and I ERKed  
my '95 M3 (which is already equipped with the BL/SS).

Bottom line:  this is a MUST HAVE upgrade for any BL/SS owner.  I
believe the technical term for the post-ERK shift action is "slick as  
snot."  <BURP>

It's been a couple of months since I had the stock shifter in my
car, but as I remember it, the ERKed BL/SS is even smoother.  Very
nice, no notchiness, and it raises the shifter height slightly wrt
the plain BL/SS (which was a bit too short for my tastes).

Nice work Ben and Rob!

- - Mark
  '95 M3, BLESSed and ERKed, Sharked, SlickAsSnot
  '97 528i "row row row your boat 5-spd", in need of BLESSage,
ERKage, and Sharkage
- ---
Mark Dadgar
Product Manager
CoreOS, Mac OS X
Apple Computer	
[email protected]
