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Offensive Inoffensive Remark (was Motorcycle elitism) <wob>

In a well-intentioned rant about motorcyclists waving and yuppies leaving
us their Bimmers, RangeR BoB says:

>Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 19:11:29 -0500
>From: RangeR BoB <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: Motorcycle elitism
<content snipped out here>
>Hell, I wave at everybody, and almost all of the jap bike riders wave
>back (except for some arrogant types).

And after a while he adds,

>Hope noone <sic> takes offense at this... 
> RangeR
>   BoB
> Hembrook

And I just have to ask:  Especially anyone riding a "jap" bike, eh?

BoB, I honestly believe that you didn't intend to offend anyone, like you
said, but if I were Japanese, I'd have a problem with this.  As someone
who has occasionally accidentally offended others by failing to heed my
own advice, may I suggest that you proof read your messages once or
twice before you send them?

Just trying to make the Digest a better place for all of us...

Scott Miller
Golden Gate Chapter
BMW CCA #44977
