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Re:Josh at Eurosport & Jim C. Chips

Jeff Katcher wrote,

> Eurosport in Salt Lake City sells the chips and has a monthly ad in the Roundel.  Josh MacMurray, who runs Eurosport, is a friend of Jim Conforti.

> E34 530i and 540i owners take note:  Eurosport has a Jim C chip for your
> car!  Chips for the M60 engine have not previously been available from
> Turner Motorsport, nor from Mesa Performance Parts (which no longer
> sells Jim's chips.)
> Anyone interested in ordering from Eurosport should call 801-463-4919 or
> send an e-mail to Josh at:  [email protected]
> Josh will be more than willing to answer any questions you have.
> Jeff Katcher
> '95 530i (just received the chip; to be installed this week-end!)

Yes it's true!!!  Josh carries the "FULL" line of Jim's chips.  I've been to see Josh twice now.  Once to have my chip scanned then a few days later to have the new chip installed.  Josh is a great guy and a huge fan of Jim.  I've had the new Jim C. chip in my 1995 530i for
several weeks now and can honestly report a substantial improvement in the smoothness in both the idle and the high rpm ranges with a little better "pull" throughout.  It also got rid of the lag I used to get at about 5300 rpm.  All this plus my average gas milage went up more
than 1 mpg!!!  What more could a man ask for?

My thanks to both Josh and Jim C.,

Tad Allen
Salt Lake City Utah (Land of the Shark)
BMW CCA #F158020
1995 530i SHARKED, mine
1998 Maxima, wifes (I tried to get her to buy a 3 series!)
1992 525i, sons
1993 Blazer, daughters
1990 Chev van, family hualer
1987 Pup, junk hauler

No affiliation and all that other stuff, just a satisfied customer.
