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<all> I UNDERstated the case for swaybars... sorry everyone :>
- Subject: <all> I UNDERstated the case for swaybars... sorry everyone :>
- From: "Aaron Bohnen" <bohnen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 19:01:12 +0000
Hi Gary,
Thanks for the mail:
> Nice summary, but isn't it to the 4th power of diameter, as that's what I
> remember off the tech books?
You're right, of course. The parameter of interest is the polar moment of
inertia of the cross-sectional area. That parameter does have the radius in
it raised to the 4th power. My fault for the wrong information - I was
being much too theoretical about it. A typical fault of an academic.
I'm a bit ashamed. I ought to have been deriving the stiffness relationship
from the classic deformation of a cylindrical bar equation:
angle of rotation = (applied torque * length)/(section polar moment of
inertia * material shear modulus)
Phi = (TL)/(JG)
and coming to the conclusion that the ratio of the stiffnesses was of
course equal to the ratio of the sections' polar moments of inertia - that
parameter being dependent on the 4th power of the diameters. This is the
correct conclusion.
Instead I forgot that little gem and went back to basic principles for a
crack at the portion of the total torque carried by the outside 1.5 mm of
my 15.5 mm bar (the 'additional' diameter added when I upgraded the bar
from the original 14 mm unit.) Well, the result of that is that the outside
1.5 mm of bar carries 33.4% of the total bar torsion. My mistake was
allowing that fraction's similarity to the ratio of the third powers of the
bar diameters (namely 1.36 to 1) to seduce me with its' similarity to the
fractional torque that I had calculated. This wrongly convinced me of
something I should have known much better about.
I guess I should learn not to drink and derive.
Well, anyway, to make a long story short, I am very sorry to have
mislead anyone. In retrospect, at least I understated the case for larger
To summarize, the torsional stiffness of a uniform, solid cylindrical bar
is proportional to the 4th power of the diameter, the shear modulus of the
material, and inversely proportional to the length of the bar.
So what does all of this mean to would-be swaybar upgraders?
Well, it means that my 15.5 mm bar is actually 50.3% stiffer than the
original 14 mm bar. And that the 18 mm M5 rear bar is 173% stiffer than the
stock 14 mm that came on my car. etc. etc.
What's the kernel of truth about swaybar diameters that we can learn from
all of this?
Well, there are two. The first is:
1. Every little bit more diameter makes a big difference to the torsional
The second is:
2. The amount of difference each little bit more makes decreases
dramatically the bigger the bar is to start. In other words, in order to
increase the torsional stiffness of a small bar by a given fraction you
need to increase the diameter much less than you would need to increase the
diameter of a larger bar to increase its' stiffness by the same fraction.
To see this second kernel of truth in action, let's consider a hypothetical
- ----------example------------
Bob has a 10 mm swaybar in his car (maybe not a BMW, but this is just an
example) and wants a swaybar with twice the stiffness. The stiffness
increase he sees is proportional to the ratio of the fourth powers of the
diameters of the two bars. He needs to solve the following equation:
(original diameter^4)/(new diameter needed^4) = 2
With his original bar of 10 mm diameter, it turns out Bob needs an 11.89 mm
diameter bar if he desires a swaybar of twice the original units'
stiffness. Bob's new swaybar is 1.89 mm larger in diameter than his old
Bill, on the other hand, has a BMW M5 with an 18 mm diameter swaybar. He
also wants twice the stiffness - for his swaybar that is. He needs to
solve the same equation as Bob. With Bill's original bar diameter of 18 mm,
however, it turns out that in order for him to get a bar of twice the
stiffness he must find a 21.41 mm unit. Bill must increase his swaybar
diameter by 3.41 mm.
- ---------end example----------
So what this means is that if you have small swaybars they are easy to
upgrade. Generally you can use the same mounts as you've got if the
increase in diameter is small, as it is likely to be between 'i' and 'e'
models, etc. etc. If you have large swaybars and you want to upgrade them
you will generally have to upgrade/strengthen mounts as well, etc.
Sorry big boys. This time the little boys win!
One last point - the axial stiffness of the cylindrical bar is
proportional only to the second power of the diameter. In other words,
increasing the diameter of a cylindrical bar increases it's end-to-end
compressive stiffness by the second power, but increases the bending and
torsional stiffnesses by the 4th power. Fatter is stiffer, but more so in
twisting than in bending or compression. Draw what conclusions you may
about that little gem of wisdom! I figured it might be of more than
passing interest, and some considerable chagrin to the Firebird, Camaro and
Mustang owners - and maybe to the Bubbas here in BMW-land as well. Take my
drift guys? :>
best regards to all,
Aaron Bohnen email: [email protected]
- -Ph.D. Student, Civil Engineering Department, U.B.C.
- -Technicraft Engineering Services