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FW: [e36] right rear suspension rattle

> I have the same sound in my E30, kind of a higher pitched rattle.  I
> thought it was something in the suspension, so I jacked my car up and
> started kicking the wheels to see what the sound was.  It ended up
> being my rear brake pads are quite worn, so when the brakes are
> released, they aren't seated against the rotors very tightly.  They
> are bouncing around a little causing the rattle.  To verify it, when I
> start to hear the rattle, I hit the brakes slightly and it goes away.
> In the E30's the shock tower problem is usually a lower thunking, not
> so much a "tinkling" sound.  I'm not too familiar with the E36's.  But
> I thought the info might be helpful anyway.
> Take it easy.
> --David Boyd, [email protected]
> ----------
> From: 	[email protected][SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, September 02, 1998 2:39 PM
> To: 	[email protected]
> Subject: 	[e36] right rear suspension rattle
> Hi all.
> Are any of you familiar with this symptom? It's a 318is coupe with
> about
> 45,000 miles on it. Driving over bumps in the road with the driver's
> (right-hand - I'm in the UK) side window open, bumps are registered
> with a
> 'tinkling' sound that sounds like - well, something loose. My bro's
> 318is
> had exactly the same symptom when the car was less than a year old and
> it
> was fixed under warranty; I don't know if it was caused by the
> traditional
> e36 Rear Shock Tower Syndrome - for which I believe there is a recall
> - I
> never did find out what the problem was. My car is now over 3 years
> old, so
> I may have to fork out if a recall does not cover labour.
> Can anyone confirm what the problem is and if BMW will cover the cost
> of
> repair (or only make a contribution if the car is older)?
> Thanks
> Andrew
> '95 318is.
