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Re: UUC Challenge

>Date: 26 Aug 98 13:29:13 PDT
>From: [email protected]
Subject: UUC Challenge <wob> <was Sad day...>

>C'mon, UUCers out there, Nate needs your help!  Those with experience
>hiding upgrades from your S.O., what Nate needs is ideas on how to
>have an extra car on the premisis without having it look like he's got an
>extra car on the premisis.  And how can he make it look like it'll pass the
>VA inspection without having to spend the $1K to really make it pass?
>This should be a piece of cake for the UUC collective wisdom.  Or else,
>maybe he and his girlfriend just need one of those condos that you drive
>around inside, which requires less power and one fewer parking

Tell her that it is a BMW Car Cover and that you just couldn't part with it
after selling the car, reminds you too much of the car.
