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UUC Challenge <wob> <was Sad day...>

C'mon, UUCers out there, Nate needs your help!  Those with experience
hiding upgrades from your S.O., what Nate needs is ideas on how to
have an extra car on the premisis without having it look like he's got an
extra car on the premisis.  And how can he make it look like it'll pass the
VA inspection without having to spend the $1K to really make it pass? 
This should be a piece of cake for the UUC collective wisdom.  Or else,
maybe he and his girlfriend just need one of those condos that you drive
around inside, which requires less power and one fewer parking

>Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 21:16:27 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Nathan J Nagel <[email protected]>
>Subject: Sad day - I no longer belong here.
>As of tomorrow morning, I will no longer be the owner of a BMW...  it's
>a sad day for me but I'm moving in with my girlfriend and I need to sell
>one of my cars (only allowed two cars at apt. building and it needs
>about $1K of work to pass VA inspection anyway)

Scott (sorry I just couldn't help myself) Miller
GGC BMW CCA #44977
