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Driving School and a can O'Woop A**

Went to my first Driving School Monday at the world famous Sebring
Raceway.  What a blast; I learned a lot in my 70 or so miles around the
track.  I learned being smooth is the way to go and much more difficult
than I thought it would be.  Just when I thought I was doing great I had
to give a 540? behind me the =93go on by wave=94 and within 4 turns he wa=
out of site.  (I=92m sure he was in the wrong run group, heheh)

My advice for anyone afraid of hurting his or her car out there on the
track is to, go anyway.  My M3 just asked me time after time =93is this
all you got.=94 (Yawn)

People were very friendly and helpful, one club racer gave me a tie
strap for my battery or I would have not been able to go out at all.
(Hold down clip would not work with non-OEM battery)

Btw, to the other newbies like me out there; if you think it=92s mostly
car or tires, (like I used to) there was a instructor there with a 318
on $40.00 H-rated tires that would open a =93Can O=92Woop A**=94 on you,
showing you real quick how being smooth can mean more than just having a
M3.  So learn from your instructors and the speed will come...

Trust me people, if you have not been to a Driving School go, you will
not be sorry...


[email protected]

Some Track Pictures
