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Fan Speed Resistor Pack?

Hey folks, my HVAC fan will intermittently cut out at all speeds except "4"
(the fastest position).  I understand from reading some E36 posts that it is
a common problem with a particular resistor pack.  The car in question is
actually an E34 535i, but I bet the problems are probably one and the same.
Can anyone explain to me what is exactly wrong with these pesky resistors,
and how to fix this annoying problem?  Are the resistors buried deep in the
dash, under the backseat, or what?  Do they need to be cleaned, replaced, or
sharked?  Please help, before my eyebrows blow off of my face!

Thanks in advance,
Ben Trapp
[email protected]
Dell OptiPlex & WorkStation Industrial Design
PCA / IDSA / CIP / BMW CCA #156642 (NCC)
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