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Re: <WOB> Going in silent mode - Flamers and other spamers: I'm t oo sensitive

> Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 11:08:34 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Ergos <[email protected]>
> Subject: <WOB> Going in silent mode - Flamers and other spamers: fuck
> you
> Well, I have had it. I will stop contributing to this list. Personal
> attacks and other stupid and aggressive behaviors have taken away the
> interest and fun of trying to contribute on subjects that I happen to
> know.
> For the record, I am not posting anonymously - not everybody has a
> name like Steve or Duane - mine, that all my friends have been using
> for many years when they call me, happens not to be of your liking...
> too bad. The behavior of some people on the list certainly does not
> encourage printing out more personal details.
> Also for the record, I worked with (not for) BMW Motorsport in Germany
> as an Engineer for almost 10 years, logging hundreds of Nurburgring
> laps - I know what I am talking about.
> I'll keep reading the occasional interesting content in the middle of
> flames and wasted bandwidth...

Silly me, I thought his (her?) name was Eros, the God of Getting Some.  
But it's not.  I don't see what the fuss was - someone's a little testy?
If Ergos is your real name, that's all you had to say.  

My name is Thi.  I'm willing to bet I've said it 2-3 times per
introduction since
my birth.  The last name's as rare.

Sensitivo ergo ex flighto?  Wait till you find Usenet.  Good luck.

 - Thi VanAusdal

Auf Deutsch for the amusement of John Firestone and Ergos:
 I denkte, dass der heisst Eros, so vie der Bekommtetwasgott.  Aber
 Was gibt so schwer?  Sind Sie 'pissy'?

 Ob Sie heissen wirklich Ergos, sagen Sie so.  Das werdet genug sein.
Wir sind hier
 aber garstiger Amerikaner.

 Ja, under Usenet is schwerer.  Viel Gluck!
