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RE: E30, '86 325

I had a similar leak in my E30 318i.  The problem was the taillight 
gaskets.  They tend to dry and shrink over time.  Replace them, and your 
problem may go away.  They're cheap, and easy to replace.

A good way to check them: Pull the trim panel away from the rear of the 
trunk (around the taillights).  Then, spray the taillights with water 
from a garden hose.  Open the trunk and see if water has leaked inside.

- -rb

>Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 20:10:01 EDT
>From: <[email protected]>
>Subject: E30, '86 325
>I have recently bought this vehicle and noticed that there was water in 
>well area under the battery in the trunk. After removing the battery 
and the
>supporting tray, I discovered a rectangular clear plastic reservoir 
with a
>tube attached to the side. The tube has a plug-in type connector. The 
>is, where does it plug into and what is it for? I checked high and low 
for a
>place to plug it into w/o success. Does this tube (not being plugged 
in) have
>something to do with why there was water in the well or do I have a 
trunk seal
>or other problem?
>Thanks in advance. 
>Donn Stevens
>'87 535is
>'86 325
>'86 735i (formerly)

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