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- Subject: Germany
- From: "Bancroft, Simon (Frankfurt)" <sbancroft@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 12:57:15 +0200
Dear Coordinator,
I am a new subscriber, just joined yesterday!
Very interesting to see all this on BMW's. Have just moved to
Germany from London, England and bought a 535i auto, 1986, E28 with
Aplina M racing susp and body kit. Only reason got auto was that it was
dirt cheap.
Need help with English speaking dealers, parts stores, Mail
order catalogues as my spoken German is cr*p.
Can you please supply some email-addresses as I have searched
the net but have been so far unsuccussful. Maybe some other local 535i
owners who know some useful areas near Frankfurt am Main, Germany for
purchasing parts or tips for haggling the BMW dealers parts departments
down in price, my G-d they are expensive here ! Scrap yards are useless.
Great FAQ pages. Keep up the good work!
Yours, hating all things German, except BMW,
Simon Bancroft (Please call me Banners).
reply email : [email protected]