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Re: <all> a good fix for peeling/rusting wiper arms...

I have had really good luck with Aircraft Propeller Paint.  It's available
in flat black and is fairly rugged.  Comes in a spay can--about $5.

>Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 00:13:00 +0000
>From: "Aaron Bohnen" <[email protected]>
>Subject: <all> a good fix for peeling/rusting wiper arms...
>Hi everyone,
>OK, so I am a little bored tonight. Anyway, I have a good suggestion for 
>any of you plagued with paint peeling off of your wiper arms. Shrink-wrap 
>the whole arm from the shoulder at the base where the thin steel bar arm 
>joins the holder right all the way to the end.
>You can clean off the rust and oxy-solv the area first if you like, even 
>paint it if you want. (painting kind of defeats the main idea behind this 
>fix however) Next get yourself enough of the thick black shrinkwrap tubing 
>in an appropriate size to go all of the way up and around the arm bend. You 
>want to shrink wrap the whole works - be careful threading the shrinkwrap 
>on there since the bend at the end is tight and you don't want any breaks 
>in the tubing.
>Once the tubing is on there get out your heatgun (with heatshring tubing 
>shroud installed!!! Do NOT melt anything on the front of your car!) and do 
>to it. 
>The result - a nice flat black rubber-looking finish that won't peel or 
>flake off.
>Total time if you have all the stuff ready - maybe 10 minutes. Well worth 
>Aaron Bohnen                     email: [email protected]
>- -Ph.D. Candidate, Civil Engineering Department, U.B.C.
>- -Technicraft Engineering Services
