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Arisen from the ashes?
>Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 12:00:57 PDT
>From: "Phil Reece" <[email protected]>
>Subject: SAY "Bye bye" to the E28 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP : (
>But, unfortunately my beloved 1984 528e has taken a turn for the worst.
>Some A*%HOLE in a black Jetta slammed into me from behind when I was at
>a stop light, and I just got word today that the insurance company has
>totaled it... :(
Hmmmmmmm....now there IS a way your beloved E28 can live on in the splendid
G-L-O-R-Y of da Track (can I get a Hallejluah?)!! It just so happens, that
about thrirty of us Bimwads Digesters have bonded together to purchase the
infamous ///TEAM BUBBA Track Car ('83 533i).
Now - if you are quick of tongue and sharp of wit - perhaps you can
convince your insurance company that they should DONATE what is left of
your valiant steed as a much valued parts car to our little non-profit
I feel your pain. Help your car LIVE ON in the ///Team Bubba Race Car
Duane Collie
RM3DR1 (back on R1's as of today - YES!)
UUC ///Team Bubba Racing
National Capital Chapter