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<[email protected]>
From: "Taht, Georg I" <[email protected]>
To: "'BMW Digest'" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <AC> Troubleshooting help needed
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 08:24:20 -0700
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Regarding the degradation of performance of the A/C.  First, to verify
if there is sufficient Freon, look at the sight glass on top of the
dryer. It is a round canister with two A/C lines.  If you see bubbles or
white streaking, there is insufficient Freon.  If the system appears to
be fully charged (sight glass looks clear while the system is on) verify
the following:

1.  Is the auxiliary fan in the front on?
2.  Does the compressor cycle on and off when the system is blowing cold
air?  Try this in the morning when ambient temperatures are cool.  If
not the temp sensor inside may be defective and the Freon in freezing in
the evaporator.
3.  There may be to much moisture in the system and it is contaminating
the dryer.(The canister with the sight glass on top).  I have
experienced this.  Replacement of the dryer will entail discharging the
system, replacing the dryer and charging the system again.   Look for
around $200 to do this. 
4.  Is the compressor turning off after a while, 10 - 20 minutes?  It is
possible, the pressure in the system may be too high.  This would be
caused by insufficient cooling through the condenser, see item 1.

Georg Taht
1987 535is 
BMW ACA 4066 
