EXCELLENT Audio Vendor
Subject: EXCELLENT Audio Vendor
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 21:45:59 -0400 (EDT)
I usually dont just come out of the clear blue to speak well of a business,
but in this case I feel I need to. As I mentioned earlier, a couple of
weeks ago, I ordered a top-end Pioneer Head Unit and Pioneer 12 disc changer
for my 1992 318is. Unfortunately, my initial order with Executive Digital in
New York (always advertise in the back of Motor Trend or Car and Driver)
didnt go well. They told me everyhting was in stock and it wasnt. Head Unit
arrived 9 days late, and they charged me more than agreed for shipping. I
cancelled the remaining part of the order (12 disc changer).
I found a place on REC.CAR.AUDIO that sells via internet only. No phone
numbers. They have a very nice web site, though. LOTS of pics of audio
equipment. Very good prices, but they even match verifiable lower prices.
Even send you free scotch-lock connectors and tip-sheets for installation.
To make a long story short, I emailed the guys on 09/24/96. They emailed me
back later that day. Placed the order on 09/25/96. They stated they would
ship out that day. Later that day, I get a phone-call at work
stating that if I would wait one more day, the newer, slightly upgraded
model of the same changer would be in that day, and could go out 09/26/96.
But if I wanted the original model, they could get it out immediately. I
agreed to wait and as promised, it arrived today (09/27/96), brand new,
sealed up in box. Invoice shows exact agreed upon price. Didnt even charge
me extra for the newer model. No 4% credit card fee, no bogus taxes, no
extra shipping. Just fast, reliable service. If anyone is interested, you
can check them out at
email me if you need or want any more details.
Ron Browne
Bowie, MD
1992 318is
PS..Several digesters have requested info on post-installation experience.
I will post after its in.