
IBUS Radio Reception Problems 95 1/2 M3

I have a 95 1/2 M3 with the newer Ibus radio and the reception on all
channels is lousy.  FM, WB, and AM stations fade in and out.  The scan
feature keeps scanning and not locking on a station. My car has window tint
on the rear and side windows.  I was told by the dealer that the radio and
antenna are functioning as designed.  They say that ALL E 36 M3s with the
rear window antenna have mediocre radio station reception.  The dealer says
that if the problem continues to bother me, I can have them drill a hole in
the body and mount a power antenna.  I say NO thanks.

Anyone else out there with my problem?  Could the window tint be causing a
problem?  Oh, the car has a telephone antenna mounted to the rear glass but
the phone has been removed.

I want to get the Alpine BMW CD changer but want to hold off until I debug
this radio reception problem.


Chris Osborne
Ashburn, VA
[email protected]