F.Y.I. 2.7L Cylinder Hex He
Subject: F.Y.I. 2.7L Cylinder Hex He
From: "Harvey Chao" <[email protected]>
Date: 26 Sep 1996 17:15:29 -0700
5:03 PM
F.Y.I. 2.7L Cylinder Hex Headbolts
David asked: "Has anyone of you (E30 325i owner) had the 14 hex bolts
replaced with the
torx type? Is this a must upgrade?"
To David and anyone else wondering about this --
Reference: BMW Service -Information, Group 11, Engine, Bulletin # 11 03 90
(3044). This is obtainable via fax from BMW (or call me, and I can Fax a
copy of mine.
A kit of 14 bolts is P/N 11-12-1-726-478./ The local dealer charged me $30.70
with CCA discount, Dealer's list is $36.12 (Allison BMW, Mountain View Ca.
This bulletin says it applies to all M20 engines produced through 3/89. I
think some? dealers and independent mechanics?? have been changing out the
bolts as the find them during routine work (e.g. valve adjust). At least one
bolt head can be seen if you look inside the valve cover through the oil
filler hole - I recall it is the one located at the front-most driver's side
of the head, and can be readily seen. The old style appears to be about a
15mm??? hex whereas the new style bolts are a Torx head.
I had my independent mechanic do a valve adjust and replace the head bolts at
the same time, labor cost for both was $260 plus $9.10 for a valve cover
I figure that the risk of bolt failure may be low, but the penalty is very
high, and I can afford the coupla hundred dollars to change the bolts a lot
better than I could afford either a new head or replacing the car (an '86 E28)
should the cost of repairs be too close to the currentvalue of the car.