<e30>325ic trunk liner and hard top info requested
Subject: <e30>325ic trunk liner and hard top info requested
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:35:44 -0400
I was replacing the trunk light on my 90 325iC, it occurred to me that
perhaps there should be a trunk liner like there is on the E36. There seems
to be holes for snap in fasteners around the edge of the trunk lid interior.
BMW parts man says there is no such part on film, but car looks like one
belongs their. Anyone have one in theirs.
Also - does anyone have experience with the hardtop for an E30 325iC. I've
heard they only come in black. Can they be attached with the soft top stowed
and if so where do they connect at the rear. Any info on hardtops would be
Bart "Hoods UP"