Re: Magnetic Numbers
Subject: Re: Magnetic Numbers
From: "Bob Tunnell" <[email protected]>
Date: 25 Sep 1996 18:11:00 -0700
You can order ready-made magnetic numbers through a company like Solotime =
316-683-3803. Static cling numbers? A friend of mine who autocrosses
Corvettes (and also recently started an autocross sign shop) can probably =
help -- Scotty White at [email protected]. (I copied him on this =
What I, and many other autocrossers, do is buy a sheet of magnetic =
and make 'em myself. I get the raw material from a company called =
in Portland, Oregon. Call Joanne at 503-281-9698. It comes in white or
black and a 24" x 120" roll costs $45.10 (or at least it did in 1994, the =
last time I bought any). They may sell smaller rolls, too. Or just sell =
your leftovers to other digest members.
Then, if you have access to a graphics computer, just crank out some =
and letters on paper, cut them out, and trace the outline onto the =
material. The material cuts easily with scissors or an Exacto knife.
Warning from the voice of experience: Don't use your wife's sewing scissor=
If you don't have access to a font you like, you can buy dry transfer
letters and numbers at any art supply store and simply enlarge to the =
you want on an enlarging copier, like at any Kinkos or PIP. (If you =
get strapped, let me know and for the price of a stamp I'll send you
whatever you want.)
If you choose, you can paint the material to compliment your car color,
but make sure the color still reads easily from a distance. Warning: =
the surface of the material thoroughly as there seems to be a silicone
coating on it that repels paint.
Does the magnetic material scratch the paint? Yes, a little. Is it a
concern? Not really. After a full year of applying and removing mine
(probably 40-50 times) the few scratches I can see are so minor that a =
hand buff with Meguiars Swirl Remover, an application of Zymol, and voila =
- --
good as new!
If you're using magnetic or cling at speeds above 70 or so, you may need
to apply a bit of Scotch tape (clear, doesn't show) over the leading edge =
to keep the wind from lifting and removing it.
One last thing -- whatever material you use, make the numbers and letters =
large and easy to read. You don't want the folks in timing and scoring
angry with you!
Hope that helps,
Bob Tunnell
[email protected]
- --------------------------------------
Date: 9/25/96 2:31 PM
To: Bob Tunnell
From: [email protected]
Does anybody know where I can order some magnetic numbers for
autocrosses/time trials/driving schools? Also, I'd prefer to use the =
cling sheets that you can lay over the rear quarter window. If anyone =
a source for these, please let me know. I have tried local sign shops =
their prices are pretty high. Any help would be great.
Lastly, does anyone have experience with the magnetic numbers scratching =
paint, e.g., I'm afraid that some dirt can get b/w the magnet and the =
and etch the paint. Is this a concern?
Thanks again,
Dan Martinez
95 M3 (only over-revved once, caught it tho - whew)