<E28> RE: No Tunes When Braking
Subject: <E28> RE: No Tunes When Braking
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 12:07:05 EDT
Many thanks to Robert Andrews, Walt Barie and Ken ([email protected]) and all
other digest contributors for their responses to my aftermarket stereo woes.
It was reassuring to know that the brakelight voltage drop triggering a stereo
shutdown was not a gremlin unique to my '87 535is.
I called Blaupunkt (Robert Bosch) technical assistance who didn't sound familiar
with my problem but they recommended either of 2 solutions:
1. Install a 500 - 1000 mF capacitor accross the switched (+) power source to
the radio and black ground wire. This will act as a mini-backup power
supply when a voltage drop hits, thereby keeping voltage constant.
2. Alternatively to #1, install a small 12v relay that is switched on by the
oem purple/grey switched (+) radio lead. The 12v relay will withstand the
voltage drops caused by the brake lights and keep the power source to the
radio constant.
Again, many thanks to those many people that offered help/suggestions.