
Fire Extinguishers + Brackets

For those who are interested, here are the part numbers and suggested
prices for the fire extinguishers and mounting parts BMW AG lists in
the 1996 Zubehoer catalog:

  72 60 1 921 385   1.0 kg fire extinguisher with holder    97.00 DM
  72 60 9 413 378   1.3 kg fire extinguisher with holder   146.00

  72 60 1 906 501   mounting parts, 3-series (E30)          13.00
  72 60 1 975 682   mounting parts, 5-series (E34)          19.00
  82 27 9 404 488   mounting parts, 5-series (E39)          25.00
  72 60 1 975 682   mounting parts, 7-series (E32)          19.00
  82 27 9 404 488   mounting parts, 7-series (E38)          25.00
  72 60 9 413 385   mounting parts, 8-series (E31)          15.00
  72 60 9 400 643   mounting parts, 3-series (E36),         33.50     
                     electric seats and sports seats
  72 60 9 413 436   mounting parts, 3-series (E36)          33.50
                     manually-adjusted seats

As I mentioned before, BMW's 1.0 kg fire extinguisher appears to be a
repackaged "Gloria P1G" unit.

- -John
'96 318is

- -- 
John Firestone, Alfred Wegener Institut   [email protected]
 fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung             +49 (471) 4831 363
Postfach 120161, D-27515 Bremerhaven          ..  ...  .... 149 (fax)