Pulsating lights and electrical system in a '92 318is
Subject: Pulsating lights and electrical system in a '92 318is
From: Will Lee/UB Networks <[email protected]>
Date: 23 Sep 96 15:42:37 EDT
Has anyone had problems with pulsating lights and the gauges dimming in the
rest of their electrical system in '92 318is's?
I originally thought it was a problem with a Dinan performance chip (or bad
fuel causing hesitation or slight engine surging), but I had Dinan verify all
the chip parameters with the factory one and couldn't come up with anything. I
also have the Dinan throttle body assembly installed currently, but the problem
existed before that was installed. The only other things that might cause that
was aftermarket is the Dinan Exhaust or an HKS PowerFlow air intake filter.
The car tends to run rough when I let up on the throttle in 2nd or 3rd gear,
and usually only noticable when I have the headlights or air conditioning on.
A local BMW dealership thought it was an aftermarket stereo problem (stereo
sucking too much current from the system), but I had it disconnected and then
an extra current capacitor installed to try to solve the problem. I'm hoping
that someone had a similar problem or knows of any technical bulletins that
might cover this "electrical" problem.