Paint spots on my E36
Subject: Paint spots on my E36
From: [email protected] (Dr. Steven Waggoner)
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 14:25:42 -0500
Need help from the group !!!
I noticed yesterday about 30 small white paint specks on the front portion
of the hood of my one month old 96 M3 (Techno violet..spots quite apparent).
The spots are 1 mm or less in size, and a few are also on the plastic of the
front spoiler. I believe these spots developed as I drove by a construction
crew painting lines on a road.
I have tried washing (Zymol) the spots off without success. Scratching with
my fingernail did not help. A citrus based "tar and bug' remover failed on
the front spoiler.
Before I apply any abbrasives or chemical agents to the finish of my
(previously) immaculent vehicle, I'd like to hear from the group. As a side
issue, can anyone attest to the existence of an Illinois highway fund used
to reimburse citizens whose vehicles are damaged as a result of construction
debri, potholes, and "paint incidents" which occur on state roads?
The success (or lack thereof) of any remedy I try will be posted to the group.
Steven E. Waggoner