RE: Mobil 1 Viscosity
Subject: RE: Mobil 1 Viscosity
From: Jerry Stadulis <[email protected]>
Date: 21 Sep 96 10:29:14 EDT
Further to the thread on 10W-30 vs. 15W-50 viscosity... Were the viscosity
measurements you noted expressed in centistokes (cSt)? I'm guessing they
were, because those are the only units that come close (see below) to the
numbers you have on your oil.
I checked out the Mobil 1 product data sheets
(www.mobil.com/mobil_1/pds.html). They list 5W-30 and 10W-30 at about 10 cSt,
and 15W-50 at 18 cSt - both measured at 100 deg C. These measurements fall
within the spec ranges you posted for the various weight oils, _if_ your
numbers were in centistokes.
The bottom line is that I'm still confused at why Mobil says their 30-weight
oil tests within the 30-weight range, but your measurement looks like an
upper-end 40-weight grade. I guess it doesn't matter if we confirm from oil
analysis that the oil meets the spec for our engines. However, what happens
if Mobil suddenly decides to formulate their 10W-30 as a _real_ 30-weight oil?
I _certainly_ wouldn't want to be using it then.
Arlington, TX (21-Sep-96, 09:24)
'95 540i-6 spd