
Re: M3 over-revs (again?, yeah again)

This thread started maybe 6-9 months ago - 
and I recall reading that BMW reacted by
putting in stiffer detent springs in the tranny - 
allowing the driver to feel the distintion 
between a 1 gear downshift and a 2+ 
gear downshift.

The 95 M3 5 speed HAD a REAL ergonomic problem
 - gear pattern is really tight and the
detent springs are too soft - and it
can be modified for _real_world_ use, 
pretty cheaply, or even under warranty.

So read the old digests, get the spring kit 
installed, and _enough already_ on class 
action lawsuits and driving ability.

Is this in the FAQs? It should be.

Eric Tangen
2-2002s, a 530i, and a 633 CSi