
Buzzing sound in E36

Now, although there may be bickering, repeated
JATO and Good Times Virus stories, compared to
the other newsgroups (Miata and RX-7) that I've
seen, this group is still the best thing going
(short of a Macarena homepage).

With that blatant flattery done with...my question.

On my 92 325i, whether the car is on or off, I get
a buzzing coming from the control panel area.  Someone
else recently posted about a similar noise and thought 
that it was their OBC having problems.  My buzz seems
to be coming from (not beer but) the small air intake
temperature sensor near the air distribution dial
on the dash.

Do other people have this same sound?

Have other people had this and had to replace parts?


Wade Olson          		EMail:     [email protected]   
Andersen Consulting 		Work:      612-372-2655              
Metropolitan Centre 		Fax:       612-372-2525               
333 South Seventh St.		Home:      612-424-4977        
Minneapolis, MN 55402	 	Cellular:  612-910-7852

Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.