
Valentine 1 Installation - Need Help

Just bought the Valentine 1 w/concealed display module and trying to figure
out a "clean" permanent installation.  The best I can come up with is to
leave the main unit clipped to the passenger visor and plug the remote module
into the cigarette lighter.  

My problem with this arrangement is that the unit itself is rather large (I
didn't realize that prior to making the purchase) and is rather conspicuous
if left in full view.  So when I leave the car, I have to disconnect the unit
and put it into the glove box -- which obviously defeats the purpose of the
"permanent" installation.  This is fine for long trips, but is a pain for the
around town stuff.  The only thing I seem to gain is that the wires are
hidden (which is a good thing).  I know some people use a sun deflector and
then flip the visor down which in turn hides the main detector unit -- which
again seems like a pain and not something I would likely do on a regular

I bought the Valentine 1 because by all accounts, it's the best unit.  But if
because of the convenience factor the unit doesn�t get used, is it really the
best?  I wish I considered the K40 system, simply because it's installed
inside of  the dash with the front and rear sensors completely hidden within
the exterior of the car.   And best of all, the unit is always ON which
offers some protection, though arguably not as good as the V-1. 

Any installation suggestions would be greatly appreciated, since the suction
cups seem to loose their adhesive properties with every third use and I�m
really tired of the "up & down" routine on the windshield.


Stuart M.