Thanks for the publicity
Subject: Thanks for the publicity
From: Rodd Sidney <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 22:16:06 -0700
I sincerely appreciate all of notoriety from guys like you. EVERY time this
comes up I get MORE BUSINESS!! For every negative posting from your kind, I
get 2X as many positives (ON & OFFLINE)from guys who appreciate the service
I perform. I do not overdo it nor is it blatant. I may not sugarcoat my
postings with technical advice as I am not a mechanic. I am a marketer of
parts who saves DIY'ERS lots of $$$$$ NUFF SAID!If you choose not to avail
yourself of my services So Be It. It takes a millsecond to scroll the
postings. Lighten up, enjoy life, enjoy the other postings drive safely &
Have A Nice Life! This is FUN! Rodd Sidney aka Dealer Marketing.
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Rodd Sidney BMW Dealer Marketing Web Page
[email protected] http://DM.home.ml.org
Orderline 1-800-203-2071