
<newsletters> We're being watched

     Out of the lurge  mode for awhile and let my fellow Digests and BMW
friends hear about something that may be bothersome. I write a column for my
beloved BWMACA Puget Sound. Often it is just things edited from the
Digest(will the full support of the posters) or from elsewhere off the "net.
It warms my heart to have other newsletters use my stuff, either original or
edited. Thanks  Tejas Chapter BMWCCA, go Texas for reprinting my Battery edit
job. Last month I wrote about oils and oil additves. Stuff gathered from a
variety of places. Common info for most of the Digesters. Early this week , I
got email from the "Technical support" person from Slick 50. He wanted my
article because someone called him to ask them(Slick 50) about something I
wrote. What I wrote for my Mtechnic column is below(edited down)
      	<"Slick 50 , the name is heard everywhere, but is it or any of the
many oil additives worth a
dime. The research I 've done searching all the internet and other sources
says that all
PTFE(teflon) products are to be avoided . PTFE is teflon particles suspended
in regular oil and
can do more harm than any good. It gets filtered out by any good oil filter.
I know that for sure,
both my brother and I have tried them. We both have cleanable oil filters, he
has an Oberg and I
have a System One. Slick 50 clogged and ruined one of the stainless steel
filter screen, he
couldn't get the crap out. I tried T-plus(same PTFE crap) and it was all over
the screen at the
next oil change. There are reports of clogged oil galleries from the stuff.
AVOID IT and any other
PTFE oil additives. The second type of additives are products that contain
dialkydithiophosphate . This additive is part of any good oil's additive
package and really offers
no added protection. The third type of additive is just more of the additives
that regular oil has
and again isn't worth spending any money on. The fourth type of additive is a
type. As good BMW owners we don't go two years or 20000 miles between changes
so a
sludge remover is something we don't need also. Consumer reports also says
that Slick 50 isn't
of any value so there. I've even seen recent statements that the FTC is
seeking to get Slick 50
and its parent company Quaker State to redo their claims about the product.">
         Seems to be the collective opinion of most of us. Here is some of
the thing Ben had to say
<"The reason I want to read your article is because someone questioned me
about it.  I get paid to keep up with all the current information circulating
in print and on the net.">
< "I haven't had the opportunity to read your article, so I do not know if
you were questioning the validity of Slick 50's efficacy. However, if you
would like more information on the validity of Slick 50 claims and the ASTM
Sequence tests that were presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers,
please visit our web site at http://www.slick50.com/.  I think you'll find
that Slick 50 has presented unimpeachable tests results.">
   <"My brother and I have both tried PTFE products and both of us have shown
it was filtered out by our
Oberg and System One oil filters." >(From my article and email I sent him)
<The PTFE in Slick 50 is sub-micron in size.  The average PTFE particle in
Slick 50 is between .2 - .5 microns.  Allied Signal, the parent co. of Fram
conducted a test to determine if PTFE in Slick 50 clogged their standard
filters which filter to aprox. 25 microns.  Fram found no difference between
the volume of PTFE going in the filter vs. volume of PTFE flowing out of the
filter.  Fram concluded that Slick 50 Teflon PTFE does not  agglomerate and
clog filters.  I'm not familiar with your filter brand.  Do
you know the micron size of the Oberg and System One filter media?  Did it
clog the filter or was the filter full of oil as it should be?  If the filter
was clogged, did you have the particles analyzed to conclude that it was
PTFE?  http://www.slick50.com/>

     My point about this is twofold, Why does Slick 50 have someone
monitoring the 'Net for what is said about it product. Are they paranoid?
Looking for a lawsuit againt some poor BMW car club chapter.? Secondly his
response seem to be the standard "look at our test" and Gee Fram says it ok(
Hell they're selling it implanted in to a oil filter). My System One filter
screen was loaded with a semi-clear mess (looked like thick snot) that was
slippery to the touch.What the hell else was it after putting T-plus into it.
My brother Oberg fine screen was ruined by Slick 50 the same way, he could
never get it out.
     I like some of your thought on whether I should just tell him to go away
, just ignore him, send him the article or post his email address and start a
Slick 50 flame war. It bothers me that we are being watched for what we say
and think that some corporations have people whose job it is to monitor
comments and such about there products. My gut tells me to jsut ignore him
and maybe he'll go away. Hell the 890 copies of the Zundfolge shouldn't cause
a drop in their stock prices if everyone didn't but there junk.
      Thanks for the bandwidth, keep those motors at the redline

                                            Greg Mierz
                                     [email protected]
                                         Roster Manager
                                   BMWACA Puget Sound
                                  Editor MTecnic Zundfolge
                                  1969 2002Ti  (MPOWER)