$19.95 Electric Oil Changer Update
Seems there are alot of you who are interested in this gizmo. Several questions
came through.
1) Where do you get one ?
Meijer's is where I picked mine up. This is a chain of grocery/everything marts
similar to Walmart. They have a little automotive section.
2) Do you need to still get under the car and clean the magnetic oil plug ?
Of course, sooner or later. The nice thing is that the job is a little easier
since there is hardly any oil left to spill out. This means you only need to
lift up one corner of the car to gain access to the drain plug and you are not
worried about having the car exactly level. Cleaning the magnetic plug must be
done at least once every normal service indicator cycle, or between 7500 and
10000 miles (my estimate). Don't get me wrong, If you do all the required
service to your car, you or someone else will end up under there some time or
another (Inspection 1 or 2) and the plug can be cleaned then.
If you can't seem to fine the electric kind, don't be dismayed. You can also
use a hand powered pump, these are available at most 'fine auto parts stores
everywhere'. It works basically the same but requires a little elbow grease to
I think my mail delivery is not working so well, so I have missed the last 20
or so digests. I can only assume my messages are getting out. Sorry about the
delay, I am resorting to browsing the hypertext on the digest web page.
'92 325i w/flowtech intake
'93 325ia w/wife
'92 Mazda Protege w/teenager