
<02> misc

From:	NAME: Thomas L Pappenhagen          
	FUNC: CR&D                            
	TEL: (609) 540-3613                   <PAPPENTL AT A1 AT JLCL01>
To:	"[email protected]"@ESDS01@MRGATE

1) i have spare '74tii springs and swaybars and wondered if 
they're any bigger/stiffer than the stock pieces on my '75.

2) i took the '75 tii conversion (and phil, it will always be a 
conversion, never a tii) into the dmv (delaware) today for its 
new plates.  after it passed emissions, they failed the car for 
not having a catalytic converter.  huh?!?!?  after talking with 
several people and finally getting someone to check their master 
book, we all confirmed that '02s didn't have converters.  luckily 
they didn't realize that it should not have been fuel injected 
and that it should have had an air pump... :>)

3) i've ordered from bekkers to support my euro seven habit for 
several years with no problems.


[email protected]