$19.95 Electric Oil Changer
Subject: $19.95 Electric Oil Changer
From: "Tow, David SJ" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 96 13:20:00 PDT
Joe C Yaeger wrote: "Wandering through a local superstore (meijer's) I found
the 'incredible' $19.95 'Electric Oil Changer" A battery run electric sump
pump that connects to your auto battery and sucks the oil out in about a
minute. Very simple. Drop you new oil in, new filter and seals and your
off in about 10 minutes. Faster than a fast oil change joint."
Wow, that really sounds like a very nifty product to use for oil changes,
Joe!! Have you actually used it? Does it really work the way it sounds?
Could it get rid of all the bad stuff in the used oil? Has anyone else
used this product before? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!