
Re: Watch what you say

This whole issue of speeding and good cops and bad cops is getting 
pretty lame. Perhaps if the first person who had posted this topic 
wouldn't have come off swearing and saying that all cops are $^%&$#* 
then I would have respected his complaints. Didn't he get three tickets 
in a year? And gets one every other year? I think in CA they will pull 
your license. 

We all know the laws. We have posted speed limits for a reason.  We, the 
people choose these limits and have the power to try to change them 
through voting and demanding change by our elected officials.

Admittedly there are instances that shouldn't warrant getting a ticket 
for going 5 or 8 mph over the limit.  And maybe 55 was too slow for the 
freeways, but there once was a reason for this speed limit, I think 
pertaining to saving fuel during the energy crisis.

Now, I don't drive 55 unless traffic conditions require it, and I have 
my radar detector which has saved on several occasions. I've had my 528 
up to 100mph once or twice, and I have had no accidents or tickets in 
the last 10 years (probably get one today). But it is not worth driving 
so fast.  For the maybe 5 to 10 minutes that I may save, it is not worth 
risking my BMW, or myself or others on the road.  I can feel that the 
amount of control I have on my car changes, such that if I needed to cut 
left or right all of a sudden I would most likely roll my big car.  I 
would assume that even cars like the M3 or M5's out there with beefed up 
suspensions and such would do the same thing.

Like the guy who smashed up his 2002 on the bridge (total misfortune), 
you can't prepare for the unexpected.  He was lucky that he walked away 
from his car.  I have seen cars in the middle of the road without any 
lights on (after an accident had just occured). I have pulled a little 
girl out of her mother's arms after a pretty bad car accident after 
someone ran a red light. (Mother was messed up and the girl impacted the 
windshield)  If I had come barreling down the wide open freeway there 
wouldn't have been any chance that I could have stopped or swerved to 
avoid collision.  

Just think about it.  You may be late for something.  Your girlfriend, 
wife, family or boss may be mad at you for being late. But better off 
late than being either dead, responsible for someone's death (like a 
child) or having to pay higher insurance premiums because you wrecked 
your car and someone else's. 

I like my BMW.  I don't want to try to repair it. Do you want to fix 
your pride and joy?  BMW parts we all know aren't cheap!

Well, enough of my rambling, and hopefully enough of this topic.  Let's 
get back to talking about BMW's.  

'88 528e

(almost afraid of all the flame mail I am probably going to get now!)

>> Next we are going to hear about people who got pulled over for being DUI (DWI) and how unfair their case was.