
RE: <e28> a/c problem

Maybe its as simple as the A/C system might be overcharged.


Kim Watters

> From: John Roush <[email protected]>
> Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 16:32:25 GMT
> Subject: RE: <e28> a/c problem
> It sounds/appears that your evaporator is freezing over.  Probably from an
> expansion valve which lets the unit run below 32 degrees.  Possibly, you
> could set the controls for less cooling and get more time before the total
> freezing occurs.  Otherwise, if that is the real problem, it is an expensive
> cure.
> >I have a time delayed a/c problem.  It works fine for short trips and when
> >it is first started but after about 2 hours it starts to blow warm air.  Any
> >ideas?  TIA.
> >