
re: Brake Dust

> From: The UNIX Mighty!!! <[email protected]>
> Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 12:13:38 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: any solution for brake dust!
> Is there any solution for getting rid of the brake dust forever...
> I have to clean my front tires  every other day...
> Thankx
> Bikesh
> [email protected]

>>It's really quite simple... DON'T USE YOUR BRAKES.

I couldn't resist that one... all kidding aside, P21s sprayed on via a 
garden sprayer, then hosed-off is easy and works well... But you'll 
never get rid of the dust problem. You'll spray & wash every couple of 
days. Really hard pads (the kind that squeal and break your eardrums) 
produce much less dust, but then you are getting into another problem of 
rotor/pad hardness comaptibility and rotor warp, etc... It's easier to 
just spray & wash...

Jim B.