
Brake dust and headlights

Re brake dust: 
	I always wash my wheels with one of those liquid car waxes
	once I've cleaned them. The brake dust sits on top of the wax
	and just hoses off next time I clean the wheels. A tip I
	learn't here on the digest :-)


	My 1993 UK E36 doesn't have the ten pimples at the top others
	have recently been discussing. A new E36 parked next to me
	does so they must be a recent addition to improve airflow.
- --
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your
mouth in a meeting with the users and prove it." (Ancient programming proverb)

NB: As I am a gibberring idiot any views expressed here are NOT the views
of Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd. [email protected], Aberdeen, Bonny Scotland