
Thumping Noise

About 2 months ago, my front right tire hit the curb and messed up the
rim and suspension. I got them all fixed (US$1,450) and everything was
fine. A few weeks ago, I start to hear thumping noise somewhere right
beneath my feet. I only hear it when I am going slow (It might also
happen on higher speed too but I couldn't hear it due to the noises).
However, it did not produce the thumping noise consistently. I took it
back to the dealer and have then check on it. They did some work on the
suspension but the problem was not fixed. 
Maybe I didn't described the problem correctly the first time. I want to
bring my car back for another check. Does anyone come across this
problem. What should I tell them to check? I want to get it fix this
time.  Thanks.

- -Sunny- 
95 325is Jet Black
Sport Package