Re: AAHH! My First Rim Scratch
Subject: Re: AAHH! My First Rim Scratch
From: [email protected] (John Kreskovsky)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 08:52:26 -0400
Don't know for sure but if the clear coat on the wheels is the
same as that on the car (i.e. catalized urethane) then it can be
sanded with 1200 to 1500 grit wet paper and then polished up, as
good as new with a medimum or fine cut compound (I recomend a 3 M
product, since this is what I use). To check it out you might
try a small area on the back (inside) of the wheel. If ok, snad
the scratch area with 1200 wet, apply some color, then some clear
and polish with the 3 M product. If you do it correctly, you
should not see the repair.
Good Luck,
John k...