
Car wanted: 635csi or M3 (E30)

CAR WANTED: 635csi or M3 (E30), 5-spd, U.S.version. No more than 80k =
miles. Black, dark blue or silver paint over natural or black leather =
preferred. Will consider other color variations. I'm seeking a very good =
example with a fair price. Nothing reconditioned. Only minor =
modifications or "improvements" of "from factory" Quality( such as shift =
knob, M6 spoiler, stereo upgrades and etc.). Non-TRX wheels and limited =
slip a plus. Not interested in cars at $20,000 and above. In some cases =
I'd be willing to fly east and drive back. Know any members of your =
local chapter that are selling such a car?                               =

Ron Wheeler
801 393-4223 (UT)
[email protected]

635csi (wish I never sold it)
Volvo wagon (dog shuttle)