<Older Bimmers> Bullet Style Fuse Recommendation
Subject: <Older Bimmers> Bullet Style Fuse Recommendation
From: "Network Engineering and Technical Svcs." <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 08:01:37 -0400 (EDT)
Much to my horror, well at least a twinge of regret, I did not put in an
appropriate subject line. Therefore I am re-posting. Jim
For the folks with the "bullet" style fuses, a company called IPD is
selling a stainless steel version, on the theory that they will not
corrode. I bought them for my 5 (bless her sole) before I killed her.
Subsequent to that, I put them in momma's Volvo and she has not had any
problems (many of the older european cars have the same problem).
They are glass with capped ends as opposed to the ceramic or plastic ones,
but they fit.
IPD Specializes in Volvo, but fuses are a standard item. Their number is
1.800.444.6473. Recommend that you have ratings and quantities desired on
hand when you call.
They have a kit for 12.95 (don't know if price is still good) with 16 8
amp, 6 16 amp, and 2 25 amp fuses. They can also be purchased in various
sizes in 5 packs for about 2.50.
Additionally they carry a conductive electrical grease for moist climates.
Good luck.
My only affiliation with them is that my wife has a volvo and they are a
quality vendor. I have done business with them over about a 15 year
period (with a 6 year gap while we were in the tropics) and have never
had a problem with them. Jim
James M. Dodmead (Jim) Network Engineering and
[email protected] Technical Services (NETS), Inc.
O 301.854.5503 14825 Burntwoods Road
F 410.489.7508 Glenwood, MD 21738