<E30> Brakes squeak, but pads and rotors fine!?
Subject: <E30> Brakes squeak, but pads and rotors fine!?
From: Matthew Hocker <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 09:16:37 -0400 (EDT)
My brakes on my E30 325ic have been squeaking for about six months now,
and I decided this weekend to get this weekend to get them fixed. I went
to my local garage to see if they could offer some assistance, since I
have never worked on brakes before. After taking the rear (squeaking)
wheels off, they declared that both the pads and rotors are fine. In my
opinion, they're not fine, since the brakes still squeak.
Here are the symptoms: Driving at slow speeds, the right rear brake makes
a "squeak...squeak...squeak" noise which is relative to the speed of the
car. When the car gets above 20 mph, the squeak goes away. Lightly
pressing the brake pedal increases the pitch of the squeak, then
eventually kills it as the pedal is fully depressed. The parking brake
makes no difference.
I read in Bentley that there are "anti-rattle" springs in the calipers.
Could one of these have broken?
I have posted to the list about this before, and received several
suggestions, but after having the brakes visually confirmed as being in
good shape, I'm leery of going ahead with a full brake job
(pads/rotors/etc) when it could be a simple spring.
Any suggestions?
__ | Matthew Hocker, B.Eng (McGill) |
/\_\ | "Believer in all things well-engineered" | BMW CCA #124947
\/_/ | [email protected] | AOPA #012475939
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