
Balanced Cars i.e. not supercharged cars

I recieved a flood of letters to my original posting and I thank you all, but 
I'd also like to ask that when a question is asked it be taken at face value 

i.e. How can I make my car accelerate faster? should not be interpreted as : I 
only care about straight line performance please teach me the error of my 

I would like to know how much that floating caliper conversion costs. I've 
looked at a number of brake upgrades, but I can see little benefit in most as 
the stock design is already exceptional. I assume that the floating calipers 
are the same design used on the 321 hp M3 evo.

I have looked at numerous upgrades to make my car better. I am fully aware of 
the benifits of balance, but I would hardly consider a street legal 11 second 
Mustang useless. Despite a serious lack of balance. The M3 is my daily driver 
and there is an inexplicable joy in simply knowing the capibilties of the car 
you drive. I plan to put minimal track time on this car as I've a shifter cart 
to satisfy my racing needs. No street BMW could get over 1 g on the skidpad 
and still  be reasonably comfartable to drive, not that a cart is comfy.