# of Henna red M3's
Subject: # of Henna red M3's
From: [email protected] (Russell Shigeta)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 18:50:23 -0700
Does anyone have athe production figures for the number of 1988 M3's
imported to the US? I was wondering how many of them were Henna Red. I am
under the impression that they are somewhat harder to find than the other
colors. There seemed to be hordes of E30 M3s at the Monterrey Historics but
only two Henna red ones, and no silver ones. One of the reasons why I'm
asking is i have located a Henna red M3 which looks promising but I'd hate
to buy the first car I saw, but then I'd really hate to have one "get
away". Thanks.
Russell Shigeta
CDB Graduate Group
[email protected]
Dept Biological Chemistry
MS1A, The Medical School
University of California at Davis
Davis, Ca 95616
Tel (916) 752 9070
Fax (916) 752 3516