
Valve Cover Oil Leak

I purchased a 1991 model 535i about three months ago.  Within the last two
weeks I have developed an oil leak from the rear of the valve cover.  I was
not planning to adjust the valves on this M30 engine for another couple of
weeks but given the leaking valve cover gasket I might as well change the
gasket and adjust the valves in the near-term.

Is the oil leak I am experiencing from the rear of the valve cover a common
problem with this M30 engine?  

Are there any tricks to installing a new valve cover gasket in order to
avoid oil leaks from developing between valve adjustment periods?

Should I obtain a valve cover gasket from the Dealer or are there
alternative gasket materials which may be procured from another source I
should consider using?

Thanks for any assistance anyone may be able to give me!!!