<MISC> O'Fest Report from The Buddha of Obnoxiousness
Subject: <MISC> O'Fest Report from The Buddha of Obnoxiousness
From: Steven J Bernstein <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 18:13:40 -0400 (EDT)
Hi BMW brethren...
I guess I have to weigh in regarding O'Fest and all the fun activities.
It was a pleasure to meet and re-meet all of you. Thanks to the ice
racing, I see many of the New Englanders often enough, but it was a real
treat to hook up with the rest of you, too.
Yes, indeed, the cat is out of the bag, my rally partner did hurl. He is
on our favorite list, here, and I don't think he'd want to be remembered
as the guy who blew chow. He was a nice guy, and did a fine job of
navigating... until he got that queasy feeling. Our morning score was
quite competitive for the novice class, but things kinda fell apart after
lunch. Oh well, I hope he had fun, considering...
I was fortunate to have quite the rally babe as my partner for the Fun
Rally the day before. We made an excellent team, and both had a very nice
time. Mmmmm, rally babe... 8^)
After all this time, it was great to meet up with Filippo as well. I got
to meet Phil Marx, who is quite impressive in person (hey Filippo, do you
still want to ship our cars to Germany to let Earl Scheib paint them?)
and a very nice man, as well as Holly McReynolds - we talked and talked
and talked... I got to meet Ben Greisler for the first time (I view
Chilton in a whole new light now), and the wide-eyed David Tay (who was
relieved to learn that there were so many BMW nuts that were even more
meticulous than him).
As a correction, the Internet Gathering was *Tuesday* night (sorry,
Simon), and *I* did not avoid hitting anyone in the Gymkhana - that was
Matt - I did not participate in the Gymkhana. Kudos to Matt Brumwell for
winning for the third year in a row in the all-around points contest.
Look out next year - Sarah Jackson will have the home-court advantage!
Matt, you forgot to mention that your partner refused to get back in the
car with you after you dumped him out! 8^) (so much for "don't ask, don't
tell" 8^))
As always, it was great to meet up again with Jim Shank, Ben Thongsai, Ron
Checca, Dick Holden, Joe Chamberlain, Yale Rachlin, John Sullivan, the
Jackson family, Andre Noel, Art and Marilyn Wegweiser, and countless
others whose names escape me at the moment. See you all next year in New
Hampshire! The rest of you I hope to see at Lime Rock on September 13th (I
just got my confirmation packet today)!!! Woo-hoo!!
.steve., The Buddha of Obnoxiousness (my new nickname thanks to Ben and
@@@---------------------Mobilitaet ist Leben-----------------------@@@
| Steven J. Bernstein E-mail: [email protected] |
| P.O. Box 11242 WWW: http://www.interactive.net/~stevenb/ |
| Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA __________ VOICE: +1 718 740 7411 |
@@@-------------------------(oo OO oo)---------------------------@@@