
Wheel Advice needed

On my 'new to me' 1992 318is I have 16" BMW Chrome 5 star wheels.  The 
day before I bought the car, the prior owner hit a curb and put a "hop" 
in the wheel.  By this I mean as you drive, a vibration was VERY 
apparent.  I bought the car anyway thinking I could send it away when I 
got home to a repair shop.  Fine, took the tire off the wheel (a full can 
of flat fix spilled out), and I then had the shop try to balance the 
wheel alone.  It was very apparent that it had a 'hop' and the machine 
asked for 5.5 ounces of weight.  So I packed it up sent it to the "Wheel 
Collision Center" in Bath, PA.  They are very very nice/helpful.  They 
got the wheel and straightened it and sent it back.  Now here's the 
question.  I got the wheel, mounted, then balanced.  It wanted 4.5 ounces 
of weight!!  But the hop was completely gone.  So I took it out on the 
interstate, no vibration!  great!  I go back to the office and call the 
company, they say it's HIGHLY uncommon for a repaired wheel to spin 
something different than "double zeros" (implying no weight needed).  So 
they say, it's up to me, live with it or send it back (he said he 
couldn't tell me over the phone if they could even fix it or not, 
remember, I'm paying all shipping...$15 each way).  So I ask you, should I 
worry about this?

1988 325is for sale - email me for details
1992 318is finally a bigger car!

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  David Moore                       The Wise are Instructed by Reason,
  Computer Dynamics                 The Ordinary by Experience,      
  email [email protected]    The Stupid by Necessity,        
                                    and the Brute by Instinct.     
                                    -- author unknown --