
RE : 318 ti imperfections, ( Real)

From: Christopher, Kean
To: Kurt Cumminskey
Subject:  318 ti imperfections
Date: Thursday, August 15, 1996 9:18AM

 Hey Kurt,

        It seems uncanny, but I have the exact same problems that you 
I bought my '96 active model in April, I love the car but I am kind of 
discouraged to think that   the infamous BMW can have such liltte minor 
defects. They are minor but when you pay $ 25,000 for a car they should be 
non- existent. Especially when
BMW is know for its attention to detail in every aspect. I know the  Film on 
the doors that is peeling off is  a problem with most 318 ti's , I heard of 
at least 12 others complain about this. You are the only one  who has 
mentioned the other defects,
besides me. If you come to any resolution with your dealer, please contact 
me or post it on the Digest,
                    Chris '96 318 ti Active