
<Misc> Wheel Roundels

Although I'm asking this for my '90 325iC, I suppose it would apply
to most of the models.

I went to my local BMW dealer to replace my faded wheel roundels and
they didn't carry them.  I have the BBS wheels (sport spoke?) and
the lines going around it and the actual letters, "BMW" are in gold,
not silver.  All of the dealers I've called (3 here in the SF/Bay Area)
have never heard of or seen the gold ones and suggested that perhaps
it was an aftermarket product.  I'm not the original owner, but, I
doubt the PO changed them.  If they had been changed, they probably 
wouldn't be so faded.

So, has anyone heard of these in gold?  These are the slightly convex
ones that are 2.75" (70mm) in diameter.

Now, I did see them from BMP Design, but, were these ever available
from BMW directly?

Lawrence R. Schwarcz, Software Design Engr/NCD      Internet:  [email protected]
Hewlett Packard Company                               Direct:  (408) 447-2543
19420 Homestead Road MS 43LN                            Main:  (408) 447-2000
Cupertino, CA 95014                                      Fax:  (408) 447-2264
Internal-only WWW: http://hpisrhw.cup.hp.com/~lrs/homepage.html
             Copywight (c) 1996 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.